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Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for April 7:

Wednesday on the Webexclusive – A Tennessee Easter on NBC-TV @

TOP STORY: Holy Week comes to Holston Conference
General Conference delegation plans April 15 open meeting
Missed Transformation? Other laity weekends available
Six camps join for colossal ‘Children’s Day’ gathering in May
Attention! Holston finance office is now located in Knoxville
Clergy golf tourney to provide scholarships for student pastors
‘The Sunday Call’ bulletin insert: Cancelled on May 1
Bigger furniture for bigger worshippers: Who said that?
Online calendar: Remember these dates

Download The Call, Clergy Connection, Sunday Call & more

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TOP STORY: Holy Week comes to Holston Conference

For stories on how Holston churches are preparing for Easter, see the April 9 issue of “The Call,” now available online. Also in this edition: We asked five people to answer five questions about the film, “The Passion of the Christ.” Meanwhile, Bishop Ray Chamberlain addresses a “shocking trial” in his “Perspective” column.

Not quite ready? Need inspiration and ideas for Holy Week services? Visit for articles such as “How Shall We Observe Good Friday?” and “The Days of Holy Week.”

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General Conference delegation plans April 15 open meeting

Jean Henderson, head of Holston’s General Conference delegation, invites church members to an open meeting on Thursday, April 15, at First White Pine United Methodist Church in Morristown District. Participants may share their concerns with the delegation from 10 a.m. to noon. For more information, see the April 9 issue of “The Call.”

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Missed Transformation? Other laity weekends available

Each spring, Holston’s Board of Laity typically hosts a weekend spiritual event, “Transformation,” at Lake Junaluska, N.C. Because Transformation was cancelled this year, conference leaders offer these laity events instead:

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Six camps join for colossal ‘Children’s Day’ gathering in May

All elementary-age children are invited to attend the nearest Holston camp for Children’s Day 2004 on Saturday, May 22. This new conference event has been scheduled in place of the traditional Children’s Day at Annual Conference to allow for convenience and wider participation. Games, campfire songs, a picnic lunch and devotions are planned at six Holston camps. For more information, visit or e-mail Anita Henderlight.

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Attention! Holston finance office is now located in Knoxville

Local churches submitting remittance forms, checks, or other finance-related material should note that the conference treasurer’s office and staff are located in the Knoxville office. Checks or forms sent to the Johnson City office will be re-routed to the Knoxville office, delaying your payment. Mail checks and other materials to: Controller, P.O. Box 32939, Knoxville, TN 37930-2939, phone (865) 690-4080.

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Clergy golf tourney to provide scholarships for student pastors

The second Holston Pastors’ Scholarship Golf Tournament will be held June 16 immediately following the last session of Annual Conference. The tournament begins at 3:45 p.m. at Waynesville Country Club in Waynesville, N.C. Cost is $45 per person. Proceeds will be used to provide two $250 scholarships for student pastors. For entries and questions, contact Tom Seay at (865) 588-6562 or (865) 693-8219 or Doug Fairbanks at (423) 886-2330 or (423) 886-3016.

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‘The Sunday Call’ bulletin insert: Cancelled on May 1

“The Sunday Call,” Holston’s weekly online bulletin insert, is scheduled for cancellation on May 1. The conference communications staff is currently considering new ways to offer Sunday bulletin inserts that will better serve Holston churches. Suggestions? E-mail Annette Bender.

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Bigger furniture for bigger worshippers: Who said that?

“The last thing you want is the tragedy of a chair collapsing in church.”

– Thomas McElheny, CEO of Church Plaza, a Florida worship furniture company, on the necessity of making modern-day church pews to accommodate 1,700 pounds. A few years ago, manufacturers allotted 18 inches of sitting space per worshipper; now, they must allot 21 inches.

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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