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"Clergy Connection" Spring 2004 edition
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Open General Conference meeting: March 18
GC delegates need local churches for prayer vigil
Speaking of General Conference: Want a ride?
If you know a student with a call to full-time ministry…
If the money’s going, it might as well go to the church
Online calendar: Remember these dates
Let me loosen my Bible belt: Who said that?
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Open General Conference meeting: March 18
The Holston Conference delegation to General/Jurisdictional Conference will meet Thursday, March 18, at First White Pine United Methodist Church from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. General Conference delegates will present major issues for consideration in each of the legislative committees to which they’ve been assigned. Persons with interest in the upcoming legislation are invited to attend. Guests will have the opportunity to share concerns or support the delegation.
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GC delegates need local churches for prayer vigil
The Holston delegation to General and Jurisdictional Conferences is joining other delegations in "Saturating GC '04 in Prayer," a model created by the Western Pennsylvania Conference. The goal for every Annual Conference: Cover General Conference in prayer by recruiting at least 40 churches to each organize a one-day prayer vigil for 40 days preceding General Conference. If more than 40 churches are recruited within the conference, the vigil can be extended through the 11 days of General Conference.
The delegation needs churches to help in this effort. To find ways to meet the goal, visit the GC Prayer Ministry Web site. The Holston delegation’s immediate request is for church leaders to notify one of the following four coordinators that your congregation will participate. Choose a day within the time frame listed for your area – or ask to be assigned a day:
March 18-27: Knoxville, Morristown, Oak Ridge Districts. E-mail Lynn Hutton or phone (865) 690-8641.
March 28-April 6: Chattanooga, Cleveland, Maryville Districts. E-mail Jean Henderson or phone (423) 472-6428.
April 7-16: Abingdon, Johnson City, Kingsport Districts. E-mail Carol Wilson or phone (423) 282-6722.
April 17-26: Big Stone Gap, Tazewell, Wytheville Districts.E-mail Daniel Taylor or phone (276) 523-3025.
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Speaking of General Conference: Want a ride?
Several pastors are planning a trip to General Conference in Pittsburgh, May 3-5. Costs will depend on the number of participants. Holston members who wish to attend may e-mail Tom Ballard or phone (276) 236-9937, or e-mail Nathan Malone or phone (865) 690-8641.
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If you know a student with a call to fulltime ministry
Later this month, Holston Conference is offering a special event for all high-school students and young adults who feel they’ve received the call to fulltime ministry. “Discovery,” scheduled March 26-28 at Camp Wesley Woods, is a weekend gathering including workshops, fellowship and prayer. For more information, download a brochure, call (423) 928-2156, or e-mail the youth ministry office.
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If the money’s going, it might as well go to the church
Experts estimate that between $41 and $136 trillion dollars will pass from one generation to the next in the next few decades. An estimated $6 trillion will go to charity. If you don’t ask members for gifts through bequests and trusts, other charities will. The Holston Conference Foundation will help your congregation create endowment policies, procedures, and educational efforts to promote "planned gifts.” For more information, e-mail Roger Redding, phone (865) 690-4080, or visit the Foundation web site.
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Your online calendar: Remember these dates
New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.
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Let me loosen my Bible belt: Who said that?
“In the Bible belt, fried-chicken fellowships and potbellied pastors are as much a part of the culture as stock car races and sentences that start with ‘Ya’ll.’ Churches traditionally have not worried much about waistlines.”
– From a recent CNN.com article about overweight church members who are taking spiritual approaches to losing weight and eating healthfully.
Looking for announcements from previous news briefs?
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March 10, 2004
March 3, 2004
February 25, 2004
February 18, 2004
February 11, 2004
February 4, 2004
January 28, 2004
January 21, 2004
January 14, 2004
January 7, 2004
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