
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for January 25:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Growing churches have Web sites @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Divine Rhythm sets new attendance record

With Bishop James Swanson as their spiritual guide, 749 young adults and their leaders gathered in Pigeon Forge last weekend for Holston's annual winter event for the 18-plus set. In its sixth year, Divine Rhythm continues to reach new participants, surpassing last year's attendance record by 120. Swanson received standing ovations for his messages on the theme, "For Such a Time as This."

A complete report will be available in the upcoming Feb. 10 edition of The Call.

Visit the Divine Rhythm web site

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Need to get healthy? Ministers' Convocation is for you

Clergy members are encouraged to “refresh and feed mind, body, and spirit” at Ministers’ Convocation, scheduled Feb. 20-23 in Lake Junaluska, N.C. This year’s theme is “Healthy Churches. Healthy Pastors.”

Keynote speakers are the Rev. Rudy and Juanita Rasmus, co-pastors at St. John’s United Methodist Church in Houston, and the Rev. Gary Mauldin, Holston Conference pastoral counselor. Worship leaders will be Bishop James Swanson, resident bishop, and the Rev. Barbara Day Miller, assistant dean of worship and music at Candler School of Theology in Atlanta.

Register online now

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Preaching helps for Jan. 29: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

The General Board of Discipleship's worship web site offers revised common lectionary readings, notes for Deuteronomy 18:15-20, and notes for 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, as well as tips on putting the sermon together and online resources.

Visit the GBOD site now

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SEJ announces: Training opportunities at Lake Junaluska

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For people who work with children: March Forth

Right here in Holston, March Forth for Children offers 25 workshop opportunities for professionals and volunteers who work with children ages 0-12. The biannual event will be held March 3-4 at First Farragut UMC in Knoxville, Tenn. Workshop topics include "Wiggly Music for Preschoolers" and "I Wonder What Children's Worship Could Be?" Bonus: A Friday night celebration dinner with Bishop James Swanson. Registration is due by Feb. 17.

Download a March Forth for Children brochure now

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Mucking out Mississippi: Mission trip for youth workers

Adults who work with youth are invited to join others in a mission trip to Gulfport, Miss., Feb. 12-18. The team will serve through United Methodist Volunteers in Mission to "muck out" and clean up debris left by Hurricane Katrina. "This experience will give you a first-hand opportunity to see the devastation so that you can consider bringing a youth team in the future," says Youth Coordinator Dan Gray. Registration fee: $50 to cover fees, lodging, gas, and meals in Mississippi — due by Jan. 27.

Find out more and download a registration form

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Hate crime in Maryland: Who said that?

"This type of thing wasn't happening when there were only two cars in the parking lot."

— The Rev. Tim Warner, pastor of St. Marks United Methodist Church in Boyds, Md., where a swastika was painted on the front door on Jan. 10. In the last 18 months, the African-American church has experienced growth in the community.

Read the United Methodist News Service story

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Jubilation: March 26-28

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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