
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for March 22:

Wednesday on the Web
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TOP STORY: UMCOR One Great Hour of Sharing

Devastating tsunamis, monster hurricanes, life- altering earthquakes ... your hearts and hands are there in the wake of these disasters and in others through UMCOR. Continue to be there by celebrating One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) Sunday on March 26.

OGHS makes all of the other UMCOR programs possible because it funds the cost of doing business for UMCOR. Any gifts that are over and above UMCOR’s administrative costs go to where they are most needed. Often they support under-funded programs.

Visit UMCOR’s OGHS Web site for more information and additional worship resources.

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CCYM sponsors Mission Madness in April

Conference Council on Youth Ministries is sponsoring Mission Madness during the month of April. Each Holston youth group is asked to do a service/mission project in the name of Christ sometime during April, with each youth group determining its own local project.

Find additional information or learn how to submit information about what your group did during April.

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Holston Churches Building Healthy Communities

On Thursday, April 6, Holston Conference will sponsor a seminar to assist churches in knowing how to promote greater health in both church and community. Speakers for the day will include Reverend Dr. Kenneth Robinson, Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Health; Reverend Dr. Gary Gunderson, Director, Interfaith Health Program at the Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University; and Bishop James E. Swanson, Sr.

The seminar is designed for pastors, parish nurses, church staff members, members of health ministries and missions teams, and anyone interested in community and congregational health. Persons will learn practical, hands-on information for use in the local church.

Register for the event or download a flyer

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Copyright - it's so unfair!

Work as planners and leaders of worship and music in the church is important and beneficial. It is ordained and commissioned by God. But copyright is so complicated, so restrictive of that work, and so difficult to follow. Copyright just seems so unfair! Why is that so?

Read this article to learn more

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Conference vision process update

Using input received during district pre-conference briefing sessions, the Vision Writing Team has prepared a revised vision statement for Holston Conference. This revised statement will be considered during Annual Conference 2006. To preview both the revised vision statement and a summary of comments received, visit http://visionbriefing.holston.org

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Who said that?

"Given the realities of so many disasters which have needed UMCOR’s response, this year 2006 it is especially important for all of our churches to receive this “One Great Hour of Sharing” offering. Give generously in thanks for all that God has given you."

— Bishop Michael J. Coyner Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church in his "e-pistle" from March 8, 2006

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

UMW Young Women's Retreat - March 25-26

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.