
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for February 1:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Camping 2006 Update @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Get ready for the Souper Bowl

Armed with soup pots, youth in 50 states and Canada will spend Feb. 5, the day of the Super Bowl, at the doors of their churches, collecting $1 or a can of food from each person walking by. The money and food will be given to a local hunger ministry or charity of their choice for the Souper Bowl of Caring. Numerous Holston congregations will join in the effort.

Read the complete United Methodist News Service story

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UMCOR depot needs new supplies

The warehouse for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) needs donations to help re-stock its supplies.

The top two needs are not the standard kits, but specific cleaning and bedding items needed to fulfill requests after 2005's many disasters, according to Ted Warnock, interim director of the Sager Brown Depot in Baldwin, La. Other supplies needed are flood buckets, school bags and layette kits. Cash donations are also needed to cover the purchase of additional items and shipping costs.

Find out more from the United Methodist News Service

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Judicial Council asked to reconsider two decisions

United Methodist leaders in Virginia have filed requests for reconsideration of two Judicial Council decisions that have stirred debate within the church on the issues of homosexuality and pastoral authority.

Bishop Charlene Kammerer and the Virginia Conference Board of Ordained Ministry have separately filed motions for reconsideration of rulings relating to the Rev. Ed Johnson, senior pastor at South Hill UMC. Johnson was placed on involuntary leave last summer for refusing to admit a practicing gay man into church membership. At its Oct. 26-29 meeting, the Judicial Council ruled in favor of Johnson, reinstating him with all salary and benefits.

Council President James Holsinger has placed the motions for reconsideration on the non-docket agenda for the court’s spring session, set for April 26-28. That means that at least five members must agree to reconsider the decisions.

Read the United Methodist News Service story

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For people who work with children: March Forth

Right here in Holston, March Forth for Children offers 25 workshop opportunities for professionals and volunteers who work with children ages 0-12. The biannual event will be held March 3-4 at First Farragut UMC in Knoxville, Tenn. Workshop topics include "Wiggly Music for Preschoolers" and "I Wonder What Children's Worship Could Be?" Bonus: A Friday night celebration dinner with Bishop James Swanson. Registration is due by Feb. 17.

Download a March Forth for Children brochure now

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Volunteers in Mission opportunity: Here in Holston

Want to participate on a Volunteers in Mission effort within Holston boundaries? Bill Daugherty, conference missions coordinator, is announcing a VIM opportunity in Oak Ridge, Tenn. The Spurgeon Chapel AME Zion Church seeks assistance in rehabilitating the sanctuary with electrical work, window replacements, demolition and reconstruction. For more information, e-mail Bill Daugherty or call him toll-free at (866) 690-4080.

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Tennessee Wesleyan announces February events

Tennessee Wesleyan is located in Athens.

Learn more from the TWC web site

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'Too ornery to be a church': Who said that?

"I don't think there's any Christianity involved in this. It's all about big business."

— Sara Reed, former member of Sardis United Methodist Church in North Georgia. According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, United Methodist leaders padlocked the doors because of the congregation's inability to get along with pastors.

Read the AJC article

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Discovery: March 24-26

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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