
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for February 22:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Celebrate Clergywomen in 2006 @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Ministers gather this week for convocation

Ministers spend their days feeding and nurturing others, but at Ministers' Convocation in Lake Junaluska this week, pastors themselves have the opportunity to be fed and nurtured. Under the theme "Healthy Churches, Healthy Pastors," 281 clergy are gathering in North Carolina for fellowship, continuing education, and worship. In addition to exercise, financial counseling, and mental health counseling, pastors are participating in workshops on topics such as "Prayer-Filled Leadership" and "Renewing Your Passion for Ministry." General sessions are being led by the Rev. Rudy Rasmus, pastor of a megachurch in inner-city Houston.

For a complete report, see the upcoming March 10 edition of The Call.

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Prepare now for One Great Hour of Sharing

On March 26, United Methodists will give to a special offering for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). The "One Great Hour of Sharing" offering provides administrative support to UMCOR, allowing 100 percent of all other gifts received by UMCOR to be used directly for outreach and mission. In 2005, Holston Conference gave $46,588 to One Great Hour of Sharing.

To order One Great Hour envelopes, posters, and other supplies, call 1-888-346-3862 or visit http://gbgm-umc.org/umcor/oghs.stm.

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Free digital choir music for Lent and Holy Week

The General Board of Discipleship's "Worship" web site offers 15 musical downloads for Lent and Holy Week, including "God is Our Refuge and Strength" and "Pax Dei."

Visit the GBOD site now

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Holston church is featured on national web site

Also on the General Board of Discipleship site, Jonesborough United Methodist Church is featured as the "Church of the Week." Led by the Rev. Bradley Scott, Jonesborough UMC is located in the Johnson City District.

Visit the "Church of the Week" site now

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Save $10: Register for Discovery by March 8

"Discovery," Holston's annual gathering for young people exploring a call to ministry, is scheduled for March 24-26 at Camp Wesley Woods. Registrations postmarked by March 8 require an $85 fee; after March 8, cost is $95.

If you know senior high students or young adults who feel they may have been called to ministry, please tell them about Discovery.

Download a registration form now

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A congregation finds healing: Who said that?

"When we came back, she put her arms around us and started to cry, and she said, `It's so good to have you back.' That impressed me."

— Karen May, who was warmly welcomed back by the interim pastor after May left the church in anger last summer. St. John's Episcopal Church in Bristol, Conn., is gradually regaining its membership after the long-time pastor was removed from leadership in July.

Read the Hartford Courant article

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

United Methodist Men's "Day with the Bishop": March 11

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.