
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for February 15:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Environmental Education Volunteers Needed @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Jubilation retreat set for March 26-28

Older adults who wish to attend Jubilation can save $10 by registering before Feb. 27, the Connectional Ministries Office recently announced. Holston's annual retreat for seniors, scheduled March 26-28 in Gatlinburg, currently has packages available for $110 to $260 per person.

Leading the retreat are Bishop James Swanson as keynote speaker, the Rev. Carol Wilson as worship leader, and Bishop Richard Looney as Bible study leader. Participants may choose from 10 workshops, including "Eye and Ear Care" and "Mission Opportunities for You and Your Church."

Register online or download a brochure now

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Another health and wellness opportunity: In Memphis

"Congregational Health & Wellness" will be held Oct. 8-11 in Memphis, Tenn. Sponsored by the General Board of Global Ministries' Health and Wellness Team, this year's conference focuses on "Empowering Ministries of Health: Transform, Mobilize, Advocate." Participants will receive information on how to work for health and wellness in their local churches.

Learn more from the GBGM site

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Want to record your church's worship services?

Want to make a music CD of your choir? Want to sell videos of your youth group's musical?

These questions and others are answered in a free General Board of Discipleship document, "Frequently Asked Questions About Mechanical Licenses and Synchronization Licenses."

Download the document now

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New study guide: How to wipe out poverty

To help churches take action on poverty, the National Council of Churches has released a new guide, "Eradicating Poverty: A Christian Study Guide on the Millennium Development Goals."

The Millennium Development Goals are a set of eight goals to end extreme poverty, hunger, and disease by 2015, agreed to by world leaders in 2000. The 2004 United Methodist General Conference, the denomination's top legislative body, supported those goals.

The purpose of the study guide is to motivate people to make the goals a reality, according to Lallie Lloyd, one of its editors. The 64-page guide has six sessions for use in church school classes and other settings. The cost is $7.95 To order, call toll-free (800) 889-5733 or send an e-mail to Rbray@gbgm-umc.org.

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Wanted: Young United Methodist women

Holston's United Methodist Women welcomes participants age 45 and younger to the 2006 Young Women's Retreat — to be held March 25-26 in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. Under the theme, "Clothe Yourself in Love," the retreat will be led by the Rev. Michelle Buckles as inspirational speaker, with music by the Cherokee UMC Praise Band. A registration fee of $10 is due by March 10. Accommodations cost extra.

Download a brochure now

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A soldier's story, continued: Who said that?

"He wanted to talk to me about keeping an eye on his mother and praying for him — and making sure he was making the right decision. He talked about the possibility of his death. He had everything in place."

—The Rev. Mike Carter, pastor of Lebanon Memorial UMC in Abingdon District, quoted in an article about a deceased U.S. Marine from Holston Conference, Ryan McGlothlin. The article was released by United Methodist News Service after first appearing in the Jan. 13 edition of The Call.

See the United Methodist News Service article

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

United Methodist Men's "Day with the Bishop": March 11

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.