
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for June 2:

Wednesday on the Webexclusive – Caribbean Disaster Relief @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Peace With Justice Sunday is coming

Holston churches are joining with others in the denomination to observe Peace With Justice this Sunday, June 6. For worship tools and litany, click here.

For a special Peace With Justice commentary in this week's edition of The Call ("Farmers and fair wages," by Steve Hodges), click here.

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Annual Conference: Don’t forget missions offering

Churches only have two more Sundays to take special offerings for a conference-wide effort to raise $125,000 for missions in India. Local-church leaders are reminded to place their offerings in envelopes recently mailed to church treasurers. The offerings (in check form, please) will be collected at a missions festival on Sunday, June 13, at Annual Conference in Lake Junaluska, N.C. For more information on the missions offering, click here.

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Question of the summer: Who will be our next bishop?

NIn July, Holston delegates will gather with representatives from other conferences to elect and select new bishops for the Southeastern Jurisdiction. For a list and biographies of the Episcopal
candidates, visit the SEJ web site.

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Chamberlain's column gets national exposure

Bishop Ray Chamberlain's column, "Bishop's Perspective," is published in every issue of The Call. His May 7 column, "The Lesson of Smokin' Sam and the Sour Old Sisters," was recently picked up by United Methodist News Service.

Click here for Bishop Chamberlain's most recent column, "Amazing Grace at Annual Conference."

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Not Attending Annual Conference?

Church members back home will again have access to a live web stream from Stuart Auditorium in North Carolina, every day from June 13 through June 16. Visit www.holston.org, where you'll be directed to www.eviewlive.com for video or audio coverage. Now available: The Call's Annual Conference preview.

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Got my book, got my bottle: Who said that?

"I was in Sam's Club the other day, standing behind a woman carrying a copy of 'Left Behind' in one hand and a fifth of whiskey in the other. Something was going to put her to sleep that night."

--Jerry B. Jenkins, co-author of the popular "Left Behind" series with Tim LaHaye, quoted in a recent Newsweek cover story.

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Oct. 22-24:
F.U.E.L. Sabbath Youth Worker Retreat (click here)

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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