
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for May 19:

Wednesday on the Webexclusive – 6 questions for Holston communicators @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: TWC President Armstrong resigns

The Executive Committee of Tennessee Wesleyan College's Board of Trustees announced May 13 that Dr. Thomas Armstrong, the school's president, submitted his resignation effective June 30.

According to a prepared statement from the Athens, Tenn.-based college, Armstrong resigned because "his vision for the future of the college, which was endorsed by the full board of trustees through their approval of the school's planning premises at its April meeting, differs from the vision held by members of the executive committee of the board trustees." For more complete coverage, see the June 4 edition of "The Call." Click here for Tennessee Wesleyan’s web site.

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General Conference approves new clergy pension plan

Holston delegates, who had vowed to vote against it, were surprised when a new clergy pension plan was approved by General Conference 2004 in Pittsburgh. For United Methodist News Service's explanation of the new program, click here.

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Wanted: Handprints from Holston kids

The children's ministry office invites kids to participate in the launch of "Grand Camp" by sending in handprints to help decorate the auditorium at Annual Conference. For details, click here.

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SEJ announces new summer & fall workshops

The Southeastern Jurisdictional Administrative Council announces the following events:

• July 9-11: "A Weekend for Growing in Expanding Technology Skills"

• July 26-29: "Sacred/Liturgical Dance Workshop"

• Sept. 13-15: "Prayer Seminar With Bishop Looney"

Click here for more information and to visit the SEJ site.

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Need help with older adult ministries?

Sponsored by the General Board of Discipleship, the Center on Aging & Older Adult Ministries provides a newsletter, "Center Sage," and other helpful information on its web site. For details, click here.

Holston Conference also has a new coordinator of older adult ministries, Rev. Bob Bostick, available at (865) 690-4080.

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Numbers: A glimpse of what will happen at Annual Conference

Next month, the Holston Annual Conference will honor 21 retiring clergy; consider a 2005 budget of $14.88 million; and have the opportunity to participate in one of 12 workshops. For more information on Annual Conference, including a PDF of the "Book of Reports," click here.

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

July 5-9 and July 19-23:
“Sr. High and Jr. High Assembly” (click here)

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.