
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for May 5:

Wednesday on the Webexclusive – General Conference votes to help small churches @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: The world is watching Pittsburgh

Holston delegates are among 1,000 decision-makers in Pittsburgh this week as the United Methodist Church gathers for its highly publicized mega meeting. For live video streaming and up-to-the-minute news stories, click here. For letters to the editor of "The Call" concerning General Conference, click here.

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Annual Conference: Got housing in Lake Junaluska?

This week's most frequently asked question in the Holston Conference office is: "Why was my application for housing at Lake Junaluska denied, and how can you get me into either the Terrace or Lambuth Inn?"

Answer: Housing for Annual Conference is handled by Lake Junaluska Assembly. The conference office mails housing information to Annual Conference members, who are required to return reservations directly to Lake Junaluska. Only 230 rooms are available in the on-site hotels, so it will be necessary for many participants to reserve rooms elsewhere. Call the Lake Junaluska office at (800) 222-4930 ext. 1 for information on how to obtain off-site accommodations.

For more information on Annual Conference, held June 13-16, click here.

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More on Annual Conference: Need display space?

United Methodist-related groups may request display space at Holston Annual Conference on a first-come, first-serve basis. This year, display space will be provided in Terrace Hotel. Please indicate whether a full- or one-half size space is required. Call the connectional ministries office at (865) 690-4080 or e-mail Anne Travis as soon as possible

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Children's Day registration deadline approaches

The day set aside for all children throughout Holston Conference to play, learn, and picnic together is just around the corner! Children's Day is May 22 and the registration deadline is May 10. All elementary-age kids are invited to participate in the festivities. It all happens at a camp near you - Fort Blackmore, Buffalo Mountain, Dickenson, Laurel, Lookout, and Wesley Woods are the sites hosting Children's Day. Camp staff and volunteers will provide the day's leadership. For complete details, go to www.holstonkids.com and click on "Calendar." Each group must have completed health forms and be accompanied by adult leaders.

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Clergywomen's Lunch @ AC

The Clergywomen's lunch will be on Tuesday, June 15 of Annual Conference at Jones Cafeteria. All women in ministry (clergy and seminary students) are welcome to attend. The lunch begins immediately after the last morning Annual Conference session concludes.

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Lotsa activities for youth this year!

A Worship Arts Ministry (WAM) seminar: July 19-23 at Hiwassee College runs simultaneously on Hiwassee's campus with Junior High Assembly, but it is a separate event for senior high youth. Please note also that for the attendees of Senior High Assembly, there is a $50 discount on WAM registration.

Pilgrimage: Oct 1-3 exploring faith on the Appalachian Trail. For more information, e-mail Dan Gray , call (423) 928-2156, or go to www.holstonyouth.com to download brochures.

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Numbers: Another ministry area?

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college-age students, according to the Jed Foundation. The rate of suicide among young males has tripled since 1970.

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

May 22:
Children’s Day

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.