
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for March 29:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – An Iraqi Friend in Need @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Cabinet ponders appointments this week

Tension among clergy members is high this week as Bishop James Swanson and the Cabinet meet in Gatlinburg, Tenn., for a week-long appointment-making session. Appointments set this week are projected and will not be effective until Annual Conference in June. Although some appointments, such as those for district superintendents, have already been projected, the bulk of the decisions regarding clergy relocations are expected to be made this week.

Learn more about the appointment process

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Will your youth group participate in Mission Madness?

The Conference Council on Youth Ministries (CCYM) is sponsoring Mission Madness during the month of April. Each Holston youth group is asked to do a service or mission project in the name of Christ sometime during April, with each youth group determining its own local project.

Find out more

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Get ready for NAM Sunday on April 30

Churches are encouraged to support “Native American Ministries Sunday,” which may be celebrated April 30 or on an alternate date. One of six Special Sundays in the United Methodist Church, NAM Sunday is recognized with a special offering. Half of funds collected stay inside Holston Conference for ministries such as "The Gathering” in September; the other half supports ministries within the denomination. A resource packet is available in district offices to aid in planning NAM Sunday.

Order free bulletin inserts or worship materials

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Change for Children grant applications: Due April 15

In 2005, 13 Holston groups received a total of $34,675 to support their children's ministries. The grants were culled from loose change donated by Holston church members throughout the year. Soon, the Change for Children Committee will again award funds to children's ministries throughout Holston, after reviewing grant applications that are due on April 15. Last year, 26 applications were submitted. Will your church be a winner this year?

Download a grant application now, or, read about two Change for Children success stories in the March 24 edition of The Call.

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Holy Communion: Does it spread germs?

As Holy Week approaches, the General Board of Discipleship's "Worship" Web site offers several resources to help church leaders engage in conversation about possible infection related to participation in the Lord's Supper.

Visit the GBOD site now

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Numbers: Bad news ... and good news

The bad news is that the average age of elders in the United Methodist Church has increased by five years in the last 20 years — from 46.8 to 51.5 years, according to a report released on March 27.

The good news? The Holston Conference has the highest percentage of young elders in the denomination, with 10 percent.

The research was conducted by the Lewis Center for Church Leadership at United Methodist-related Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington and the United Methodist Board of Pension and Health Benefits, Evanston, Ill.

Read more about the study

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Children's Day coming to a camp near you

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.