
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for August 18:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – UMCOR rushes to aid hurricane victims @ holston.org

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Holston gears up for Charley relief

Holston disaster-relief leaders are assembling a volunteer team to aid victims of Hurricane Charley. People who wish to participate should immediately contact Dwight Barker by e-mail or call him at (276) 356-2847. Congregations wishing to make financial gifts to help United Methodist Committee on Relief's disaster-relief efforts may make checks to their local churches, designating "UMCOR/Hurricane Charley" on the memo line. Your tax-deductible gift may be placed in your church's offering plate. To make credit-card donations, call UMCOR directly at 1-800-554-8583.

UMCOR update

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Walk the Appalachian Trail with other youth

Youth are invited to participate in "The Road to Damascus: Exploring Faith on the Appalachian Trail" on the weekend of Oct. 1-3. Brett Mitchell, director of the School of the Pilgrim in Chapel Hill, N.C., will lead a pilgrimage for 30 students beginning in Troutdale, Va., and concluding in Damascus, Va.
Download a brochure and register by Sept. 17.

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Apportionment woes? Better attend this workshop

Clergy and laity are invited to attend a "Wesley & Stewardship" seminar at Tennessee Wesleyan College in Athens Oct. 27-29. Sponsored by the Wesley Institute, the seminar features, among other speakers, the Rev. Daniel Bell, professor of theological ethics at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. Download a brochure.

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Power Tools: If you’re looking for a few good men

Despite the fact that only 30 percent of United Methodists are men, pastors receive little training in men's ministry, according to a recent UMNS source. Power Tools, a monthly e-mail newsletter launched in June, provides clergy and other interested people with ways to begin or expand men's ministry. Learn more & sign up to receive the newsletter.

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Have a job, want a job, need a job?

The "Job opportunities" section -- available below -- is consistently one of the most clicked-on links in this e-news service. To list your church's job openings both online and in The Call, e-mail Annette Bender or call her at (865) 690-4080.

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Who said that? More about racism in SEJ elections

"I am appalled that you would even print the article. Was it a slow news day? I do not think you would find one delegate out of the 32 from Holston who would believe this article."

-- One of a few responses received by The Call following the Aug. 13 article, "Delegates say racism affected SEJ elections." For a complete report on readers' reactions, see the upcoming Aug. 27 edition.

Read the Aug. 13 article.

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Oct 22-24:
FUEL: Sabbath” for youth workers (pdf)

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.
