exclusive – In Zimbabwe, helping orphans of AIDS @ holston.org
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TOP STORY: Another Annual Conference, come & gone
If you were there, you know that Holston paid tribute to Bishop Ray Chamberlain, raised $106,332 for India's "Hope for Today," and sent off more than 6,000 supply kits to Zimbabwe and Liberia.
If you weren't there -- and even if you were -- look for the wrap-up report and photos in the upcoming July 2 edition of "The Call."
Read the official summary of the Holston Annual Conference -- and reports from other annual conferences.
For Daily Call articles published at Annual Conference - click here.
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Speaking of AC: Lose anything at the Lake?
A men's sports coat was found in the clergy section following the Sending Forth Service. Also found: a steno pad containing Annual Conference notes. To claim these items, call the conference office at (865) 690-4080 or send an e-mail.
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Volunteers in Mission rally happens June 30 in N.C.
United Methodist Volunteers In Mission will host the "Summons for Service," the 25th annual UMVIM Rally at Lake Junaluska, N.C., June 30-July 3. Volunteers can explore how their passion to serve God can intersect with the needs of people around the world. Featured preacher is Bishop Robert Fannin of the North Alabama Conference. Learn more and register for the rally at the VIM web site.
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Good things repeated: 50 disciple-making tips
The General Board of Discipleship recently asked its staff members, "What are the characteristics of a local congregation that is successfully making disciples of Jesus Christ?" Their answers are grouped under headings such as "Worship and Hospitality" and "Small Groups."
Discipleship Team Chair Jean Henderson was so impressed with this web site, she requested that it be provided again for Holston Conference members.
Read the tips, then send in your own suggestions.
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New media: Does it “dumb down” worship?
Some argue the use of new media in worship creates a "production," that it just entertains, that it is shallow or "dumbs down," that it requires churches to abandon their traditions, or (mostly) that it just requires too many people and money resources. What do you think?
United Methodist Communications has provided a two-part series, "Congregations Liven Sunday Worship with New Media." Click here to read the series, then discuss it on the message board.
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Bad lawyer joke #124: Who said that?
"I don't know why I like all these attorneys. I guess I'm trying to get them into the kingdom of heaven."
– Bishop Ray Chamberlain, after introducing Chancellor Jay Garrison, and later, Lay Leader Bob Lockaby at Annual Conference.
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Your online calendar: Remember these dates
July 19 purchase deadline: “Holston Night at the Ballpark,” Aug. 1 (click here)
New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.
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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.