
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for June 30:

Wednesday on the Webexclusive – United Methodist response to Iraqi transfer of power @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: 'Safe Sanctuaries' resolution passes

A resolution passed at Annual Conference will require Holston churches to establish child and youth abuse prevention policies by fall 2005. The conference will provide six free "Safe Sanctuaries" workshops this fall.

Please note that the July 2 edition of The Call reports that background checks for child and youth workers are required by the resolution, but they are not. Background checks are recommended by the "Safe Sanctuaries" guidebooks.

Read about the resolution and new policies in The Call.

Download a registration form for free workshops. (pdf)
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Churches: Send in names of high-school seniors

The connectional ministries office is collecting names of high-school seniors and their college destinations. The goal is to inform United Methodist groups on campus that new students are arriving.

Last January, churches received requests in their Resurrection packets to supply names of high-school seniors to the conference. Call the connectional ministries office at (865) 690-4080 or send an e-mail to the connectional ministries office.

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How will General Conference decisions affect you?

At Annual Conference in Lake Junaluska, one of the best-attended afternoon workshops was led by Jean Henderson, head delegate to General Conference. The workshop's title: "Impact of General Conference on the Local Church."

So, how will decisions made in Pittsburgh affect your church? For quick info, read this recent Interpreter magazine article.

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How to ‘fire” a long-term Sunday school teacher

A new campaign to promote Sunday school offers resources, training, articles and a free video for churches that need to refresh their Christian education program.

"Sunday School: It's for Life" is a joint campaign of the United Methodist Publishing House and the General Board of Discipleship and includes a nifty new web site with information like, "How to 'fire' a long-term volunteer" and "How to deal with absentee teachers."

Visit the new Sunday school web site.

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Emory & Henry hosts two girls basketball camps

Emory & Henry College will host two girls basketball camps next month. The first camp, held July 12-14, is designed for girls entering grades 4-10 and focuses on individual offensive and defensive fundamentals.

The second camp, held July 16, is for skilled high school varsity, junior high or eighth-grade team players. The camp focuses on position play, shooting and advanced fundamentals.

For more information or to register, contact E&H head women's basketball coach Joy Scruggs at (276) 944-6238.

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Transfer of power: Who said that?

"We invite men and women of all nations and religions to work together in the reconstruction of Iraq, and to join hands in building an unbreakable global network of peace and justice.”

– General Board of Global Ministries officials Joel Martinez and Randy Day, responding to the recent transfer of power in Iraq. For the “Wednesday on the Web” exclusive on the United Methodist response to recent events in Iraq, click here.

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

July 19 purchase deadline:
“Holston Night at the Ballpark,” Aug. 1 (click here)

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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