
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for July 7:

Wednesday on the Webexclusive – Moving is not easy for preachers’ kids @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Conference offerings continue to rise

Holston churches are giving more this year compared to last year. At the end of June 2004, Fair Share apportionments were up 2.3 percent, compared to apportionments received in June 2003. Eighty-two churches have already paid 100 percent of their 2004 apportionments.

Meanwhile, Change for Children offerings from Annual Conference totaled $39,454 by June 30, surpassing last year's offering of $32,579. Offerings for India's "Hope for Today" hover at $112,227, falling short of a $125,000 goal. Offerings are still being accepted at the treasurer's office in Knoxville. Call (865) 690-4080 for more information.

Want to know more about where apportionment funds go?

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Churches: Send in names of high-school seniors

The connectional ministries office is collecting names of high-school seniors and their college destinations. The goal is to inform United Methodist groups on campus that new students are arriving.

Last January, churches received requests in their Resurrection packets to supply names of high-school seniors to the conference. Call the connectional ministries office at (865) 690-4080 or send an e-mail to the connectional ministries office.

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Do you know where your senior-high youth are?

We HOPE they're at Senior High Assembly, where 138 young people are gathering this week at Emory & Henry College. Attendance is up 25 percent this year compared to last year, with 41 local churches represented at the annual spiritual event.

In two weeks (July 19-23), Junior High Assembly and a new Worship Arts Ministry week will be offered at Hiwassee College. It's not too late to register for either event. In fact, Worship Arts Ministry has very few senior-high youth registered and is in need of additional participants.

Find out more about Junior High Assembly and Worship Arts Ministry.

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Order your 2005 Holston Conference calendar

The communications staff is accepting orders now for the 2005 calendar, featuring photos of Holston people. Cost is $7.50, plus $2 if you want the calendar to be mailed to you. Calendars will be available in October. Order forms are being mailed to pastors, along with monthly Fair Share apportionment statements. Or, order your calendar online now at http://holston.org/calendar.

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When will the new bishop be elected and assigned?

Holston Conference joins many other United Methodist conferences in preparing for a new episcopal leader. Six new bishops are expected to be elected at the Southeastern Jurisdictional
Conference, held July 14-17 in Lake Junaluska, N.C. The new bishops will replace those who are retiring, including Bishop Ray Chamberlain.

Holston's new episcopal leader is expected to be announced July 16. The new bishop assumes his or her duties in Holston on Sept. 1. Visit the SEJ site for nominee bios and other information.
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The web is our parish, too: Who said that?

We’re in a small community, but I know people have come here because they’ve found us online, read our newsletter and know we’re an active congregation.

Lou Cowherd, director of evangelism and pastoral assistant at the 1,000-member United Methodist Church of Chillicothe, Mo quoted in a UMCom Tools for Ministry article.

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Aug. 21 through Sept. 30:
Safe Sanctuaries training (pdf) (click here)

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.