
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for July 14:

Wednesday on the Webexclusive – Who is our next bishop? @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: New bishops elected at SEJ Conference

Holston delegates join others from 15 conferences to elect new bishops July 14-17 at the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference in Lake Junaluska, N.C. Bishop Ray Chamberlain will be honored during a service for retiring bishops. Two Holston clergy members – the Rev. Mary Virginia Taylor and the Rev. Jerald Russell – are candidates in the election. Holston's new bishop for 2004-2008 should be announced by Friday, July 16.

Get late-breaking news from the SEJ Conference. www.sej2004.org

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Wanted: Hand bells for new community ministry

St. Andrews United Methodist Church of Knoxville District seeks donations of used hand bells for an emerging ministry in a nearby elementary school. The goal is to start hand bell classes for students. Ten sets of bells are needed. Call the Rev. Harry Rehagen at (865) 689-4033.

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Report: Bush-Cheney request could cause trouble

United Methodist churches responding to the Republican Party's request for their church membership directories could be setting themselves up for charges of invasion of privacy and potentially jeopardizing their tax-exempt status, say denominational officials.

Read the United Methodist News Service report.

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Order your 2005 Holston Conference calendar

The communications staff is accepting orders now for the 2005 calendar, featuring photos of Holston people. Cost is $7.50, plus $2 if you want the calendar to be mailed to you. Calendars will be available in October. Order forms are being mailed to pastors, along with monthly Fair Share apportionment statements. Or, order your calendar online now at http://holston.org/calendar.

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Want to attend a good old-fashioned camp meeting?

The Sulphur Springs Camp Meeting in Jonesborough, Tenn., features speaker Adrian Despres, the same speaker who wowed young people at Resurrection 2004. Doug Richesin, who received standing ovations on the last day of Annual Conference, will sing at Tyner UMC's camp meeting month in Chattanooga.

See the July 16 edition of The Call for a list of Holston camp meetings happening next month.

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Numbers: Fastest growing churches in Holston

In 2003, Christ UMC in Chattanooga District had the largest net gain in membership, with 259 new members. The growth reflects a 9.6 percent increase over the congregation's 2002 numbers.

When sorted by percentage gain, Rye Cove UMC of Big Stone Gap District came out on top. Rye Cove welcomed 10 new members in 2003 -- a 77 percent increase for a church that now has 23 members.

Source: Holston Conference treasurer’s office

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Aug. 21 through Sept. 30:
Safe Sanctuaries training (pdf) (click here)

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.