
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for July 21:

Wednesday on the Webexclusive – The suspense is over: SEJ election results @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Bishop Swanson assigned to Holston

Bishop James Swanson of South Georgia was assigned to Holston Conference during a four-day, rollercoaster-ride, SoutheasternJurisdictional Conference. For a complete report -- including photos of Swanson, retiring Bishop Chamberlain, and Holston's own, newly consecrated Bishop Dindy Taylor -- see the July 30 edition of The Call.

UMNS coverage of the bishops' elections

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Lippse appointed Cleveland District superintendent

The Rev. Charles Lippse will fill the vacancy left by the July 16 election of Dindy Taylor to the episcopacy, Bishop Ray Chamberlain announced. Lippse is retired and will assume Cleveland District leadership through June 2005.

Cleveland District site

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How safe is your church’s multi-passenger van?

Not very, according to federal safety officials and some insurers. While some Holston churches have completely stopped using 15-passenger vans, others are taking safety precautions recommended by the National Highway Safety Transportation Administration (NHTSA). For more information, see the article in the July 16 edition of The Call or visit the NHTSA site.

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Cool site: When rock music intersects the gospel

"In the late 1960s, popular music underwent a period of immense and unprecedented change in both style and thematic content. Looking back at the release of artistic energy and freedom that occurred after 1967, it isn't hard to imagine the creative spirit of God moving behind the scenes."

UMC.org has created a series, "Crossroads: When Rock Music Intersects the Gospel," that includes a wealth of links to other articles, sites and music. Also included is an opportunity for online discussion.

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Order your 2005 Holston Conference calendar

The communications staff is accepting orders now for the 2005 calendar, featuring photos of Holston people. Cost is $7.50, plus $2 if you want the calendar to be mailed to you. Calendars will be available in October. Order forms are being mailed to pastors, along with monthly Fair Share apportionment statements. Or, order your calendar online now at http://holston.org/calendar.

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Aug. 28:
Building Community With Diverse Voices of Biblical Interpretation (pdf) (click here)

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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We miss her already: Who said that?

“My piddly little votes didn’t hurt anybody.”

-- Bishop Mary Virginia "Dindy" Taylor, explaining why she stayed in the Episcopal election when her votes were few and other candidates dropped out. Taylor's story will be presented in the upcoming July 30 edition of The Call.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.