
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for September 1:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – 6 secret places on Holston’s web site @ holston.org

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Welcome your neighbors in September!

Churches are collaborating with National Neighborhood Day to make Sept. 12 a day of welcoming neighbors into the church. National Neighborhood Day, an initiative to help communities become better acquainted, coincides with Open House Month for the United Methodist Church.

What is your church doing to welcome newcomers during September? Stay tuned for The Call's annual report from the "Secret Visitor," who drops in to check out the hospitality skills of an unsuspecting Holston congregation. Will it be your church this year?

Tips on how to be a welcoming congregation

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Who’s Wesley? Is ‘connectionalism’ in the dictionary?

"UM101" is an online introductory intended for busy people who want to learn about the United Methodist Church: its roots, theology, structure, connectionalism, and current challenges. The course is available 24 hours beginning today, Sept. 1, through Oct. 1. Cost is $12. Learn more about the course and register.

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Sept. 21: All we are saying is, give peace a chance

All Methodists are called on to join the International Day of Prayer for Peace on Tuesday, Sept. 21. Worship resources are available on the http://www.umcworship.org General Board of Discipleship's web site. General info about International Day of Peace.

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Sabbath retreat: Youth workers, take a breather

F.U.E.L. stands for "Fueling, Uplifting and Educating Leaders." The next FUEL event, "Sabbath," happens Oct. 22-24, when youth workers are invited to a weekend with spiritual direction in Gatlinburg, Tenn. Fees start at $115 for early-bird registrants who share a room. Download a brochure and register by Sept. 22: http://www.holstonconference.com/youth/

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Get ready for fall stewardship campaigns: Read this

More churches are turning to the internet to educate members about the multifacted task of being good Christian stewards. "If there was anything cool about John Wesley, he used any means possible to communicate the Gospel and bring about a sense of accountability to people," says the senior pastor of a Kansas church.

How to get the stewardship message out.

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Who said that? Sometimes we need to be reminded

"It's only bricks. It's only mortar. It's only steel. You see, that's not the church. This is the church. The people are the church. You are the church."

--Rev. Dennis E. Postell, pastor of Abundant Life Assembly of God church, which was ruined by Hurricane Charley. Quoted by the New York Times, Postell spoke Aug. 22 to about 200 congregants gathered under a tent outside the damaged sanctuary.

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Sept. 24-26: ”Conference on the Ministry” at Emory & Henry (pdf)

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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