
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for September 29:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Four superintendents speak out on charge conferences @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Who gives to World Communion Sunday?

Of the six Special Sundays in the United Methodist Church, World Communion Sunday -- coming this Sunday on Oct. 3 -- is traditionally recognized with the second largest offering.

In first place is One Great Hour of Sharing in March, which last year received $3.39 million across the denomination. Holston churches gave $47,662 to OGHS 2004. Meanwhile, World Communion Sunday 2003 garnered $1.08 million across the denomination and $10,997 from Holston members.

Learn more about World Communion Sunday

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Oh! And here comes Laity Sunday on Oct. 17

This year's Laity Sunday theme is "One in Spirit, All in Ministry: All God's People Singing the Song and Living the Life." Suggested hymns for Laity Sunday worship, according to the General Board of Discipleship, include "O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing" and "Spirit of the Living God." Download a Laity Sunday poster & get more ideas.

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Youth Service Fund grant applications: Due Nov. 3

Each year, the Conference Council on Youth Ministry awards Youth Service Fund grants to missions both in and out of Holston boundaries. For more information about Youth Service Fund download a brochure and a 2005 grant application. The application deadline is Nov. 3.

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UMW annual meeting rescheduled Oct. 2-3

Weather-related damage to I-40 and flooding in Western North Carolina forced leaders of Holston's United Methodist Women to postpone the annual meeting scheduled Sept. 18-19. The meeting has been rescheduled for Oct. 2-3, reports UMW President Ellen Moore.

"Persons who wish to attend should contact their district presidents to register and Lake Junaluska about housing as soon as possible," Moore said. "Fran Lynch will be able to attend this meeting and speak to the group."

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Women: Prepare your heart for Advent season

Holston women are invited to participate in "Pausing to Prepare: A Reflective Advent Retreat for Women" at Camp Wesley Woods, Dec. 3-5. Cost is $60 including all meals, lodging and retreat materials. For more information, contact Camp Wesley Woods at (865) 448-2246.

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Sexism is alive: Who said that?

"No matter how many women bishops, district superintendents, pastors, chairs of boards of ordained ministry and other women leaders the church has, your work is not over. Sexism is alive in the United Methodist Church."

-- Bishop Sharon Zimmerman Rader, addressing the United Methodist Commission on the Status and Role of Women at a Sept. 23-26 meeting in Evanston, Ill.

At that meeting, South Carolina Bishop Mary Virginia "Dindy" Taylor was elected commission president for the 2005-08 quadrennium. Taylor is a former Holston clergy member.

Read the United Methodist News Service report.

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Wesley and Stewardship in October 27-29 (PDF)

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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