Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for August 25:
exclusive – Soldiers say “thanks” for UM phone cards @ holston.org
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TOP STORY: ‘Charley relief’ truck loads this week
Churches are encouraged to bring nonperishable foods and water to Cherokee UMC's future location for delivery to hurricane victims in Florida next week. Drop-off time and location is Thursday, Aug. 26, and Friday, Aug. 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 2615 South Roan Street, Johnson City, Tenn. For more information, e-mail Rev. David Woody or call him at (423) 926-0978.
Congregations wishing to make financial gifts to help United Methodist Committee on Relief's disaster-relief efforts may make checks to their local churches, designating "UMCOR/Hurricane Charley" on the memo line. Your tax-deductible gift may be placed in your church's offering plate. To make credit-card donations, call UMCOR directly at 1-800-554-8583.
Holston is still in need of volunteers for the conference disaster-relief team. E-mail barker42rd@comcast.net Dwight Barker or call him at (276) 356-2847.
UMCOR updates
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Ceremony for Bishop Swanson set for Sept. 25
Holston members are invited to a "Service Celebrating the Assignment of Bishop James Edward Swanson Sr." at Munsey Memorial UMC, Johnson City, Tenn., on Saturday, Sept. 25, at 2p.m.
Read Bishop Swanson’s first column in The Call.
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‘Conference on Ministry’ at Emory & Henry College
The Wesley Institute and Emory & Henry College present a conference with Neal Christie on the weekend of Sept. 24-26 at the campus in Emory, Va. "Conference on the Ministry" includes two events: "When Sunday Meets Monday: The Practice of the Social Principles in the World" and "Bridging the Gap: Inter-Religious & Cross-Cultural Dialogue."
Christie is assistant general secretary with the General Board of Church & Society. The conference has been scheduled so as not to conflict with Bishop Swanson's ceremony on Sept. 25. Download a brochure.
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For clergy interested in pastoral care & counseling
Holston's Pastoral Conseling Center is offering a new continuing education and training program beginning after Labor Day in September. The focus of the group will be on training and supervision in pastoral care and counseling of individuals, couples and families for all clergy. The group will meet at Inskip UMC in Knoxville, Tenn. For more information, e-mail Rev. Gary Mauldin, call him at (865) 805-9781 or visit http://counseling.holston.org.
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Order ‘World Communion Sunday’ leaflets now
World Communion Sunday, one of six Special Sundays in the United Methodist Church, is Oct. 3. To order free leaflets to place in your bulletins or newsletters, visit the United Methodist Communications web site or call toll-free (888) 346-3862.
General information on World Communion Sunday
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This church ain’t yours: Who said that?
"I love the United Methodist Church. But they can't just pick and choose which parts of the Discipline they want to adhere to. This has never been just about homosexuality."
-- Rev. Kevin Smith, pastor at St. Luke's UMC in Fresno, Calif., where a district court has just ruled that the church property does not belong to the denomination. The Discipline states that all local church property is held in trust for the denomination.
Read the UMNS report
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Your online calendar: Remember these dates
Sept. 18-30: ”Safe Sanctuaries” training (pdf)
New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.
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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.